Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Fat Facts

There are basic facts you should know about fats. There are mainly two classes of fats; saturated fat, and unsaturated. The unsaturated ones are the polyunsaturated fats, and monounsaturated fats. Some fats are dangerous, while some are not. When fats come combined with proteins in the body, they form a complex called Lipoproteins. We will look at these later in a broader view to see why some are desirable and some are not, but first, let’s look at the major kinds of fats.

Saturated fat- Fatty acids are made up of several chains of carbon atoms, it is said to be saturated because the carbon atoms have no free bonds to link with other atoms. Normally a carbon atom has 2 free bonds that are ready to attach with other atoms to form a compound. When these free bonds are used up entirely, usually by another carbon atom or a hydrogen atom, the fat becomes saturated. That is because there is no room for any more attachment.

These are the bad type of fat and the one we must avoid in trying to stay healthy. The body has a tough time processing saturated fats, because of the number of bonds it needs to break down in the process. Saturated fats raise cholesterol levels, which increases the chances of a heart attack. For a healthy dieting plan, saturated fats must be reduced significantly from the diet. Examples of sources of saturated fat are all forms of fat in animal flesh (meat), palm oil, and coconut oil etc.

Polyunsaturated fat- Polyunsaturated fat comes in two types: omega 6 and omega 3. It is ‘poly’ because there are more than one unsaturated bonds in the compound. It is Omega-6 because the first unsaturated bond exists at the 6th carbon atom. Same is applicable to omega3. Omega 6 type comes mainly from vegetables, and omega 3 come from oily fish.
This type of fat is actually the healthy type and helps to reduce the level of cholesterol! So a small consumption is important for health. Remember, ‘small’.

Monounsaturated fat- They have only one carbon atom carrying unsaturated bonds. They are derived mainly from vegetable and are found in olive oil and almond oil. They also have the ability to help reduce cholesterol levels.

Lipoproteins: They are fat-protein complexes and play important role in the development of heart attacks. They are two classes of these lipoproteins.
High Density Lipoproteins- These lipoproteins reduce the chance of a heart disease.
Low Density Lipoproteins- Increases the likelihood of heart diseases. If the level of LDL is higher than that of HDL, the likelihood of a heart disease, stroke diabetes etc. is increased and vice versa.

Fats produces very high levels of energy and the daily intake shouldn't exceed 30% of your total calories. In other words, for an average daily intake of 2,000 calories, only about 600 should be fat derived. This of course is if you are not trying to loss weight, but if you are; your daily fat consumption should not be enough to produce 600 calories.
Every 1g of fat gives out 9 calories. That leaves you with about 66.7g of fat per day. But for weight loss, it should go lower than that.

This can be achieved by cutting down on all fatty foods and eating more of vegetables and fruits, a little of pure carbohydrates. With little or no fat at all, you will soon be getting used to the low fat diet.

Tips on how to maintain weight loss

If you are like most people looking to lose some pounds, then you probably have read some weight loss tips along the line. What you will read here are probably part of what you read but the difference is that you will know here that it is not just about knowing what to do without actually doing them. If you must maintain that heard earned new sexy look, you have to keep reading then.

Dietary control- The first thing you need to do is to what you eat which I’m sure you know to have even succeeded in losing weight to where you are now. The battle is not over yet just because you have lot some weight. You are about to get back to what you used to be if you don’t keep doing what you were doing. You need to understand that, there is no end to it. If you achieved weight lose through dieting, use of fat binders, or any form of slimming pills, you need to keep doing it. You need more discipline now than ever before.

Exercise- By now you should be mature as far as exercises are concerned and you should be going higher despite haven lost enough weight. If you keep you calories consumption at the same level, an extra 10 minutes of aerobics daily wouldn’t make much difference. This will help you not to drop.

Change the way you live- I am talking about the way you live. Remember that diet is just one of the ways that helped you loss weight. You need to change all the habits that caused you to add weight in the first place. If you we living a sedentary lifestyle, you will need to get a little more active. Avoid the elevators, take over the work of walking the dog, it doesn’t just help the job get some fresh air but helps you too. Leave the car sometimes and help out on the lawn if you never used to. You just must get active.

Join support group- It is truly difficult to do it alone no matter how determined you may be. If you can afford to join a group please do. You need to be able to encourage each other. Sometimes they even prevent you from snapping up that chocolate. Online groups are better because there are some free forums around where you could get the encouragement to stay focused on staying slim. Just Google “online slimming support groups”.

Picture Yourself When you still had that your buttons popping up- Always try to recall what you used to look like. I’m sure if you don’t like the mental picture, it should scare you to action. So take a photograph of you in past and post it by your bedside- what a nightmare!

Reorganize Your Food Stock- certain kinds of foods should no longer find their way into your store or refrigerator. Snack shouldn’t come near your refrigerator. That means even your kids will have to share your plight. ‘Sorry pet, we can no longer have chocolates in this home’. You need to be bold enough to tell him that.

Finally don’t just stuff things into you mouth especially if it’s a new product. Always take the extra step to read the labels to know what ingredients you’ve got there before you kill yourself again.

What is the best appetite suppressant?

“What's the best appetite suppressant? I‘ve tried both drug based and herbal but I didn’t loss any weight. I am not sure what to do, but I guess there is an answer”. So many young people today sound like the lady I quoted here.

Now what are the things you are looking for in an appetite suppressant considering the fact that you may have to be on them for as long as possible, in many cases up to 12 months. You know that for sustained effect especially if you desire drastic weight loss the suppressants must be used for sustained periods. I know a lot of ladies want to do this as their wedding approaches and guys want to do this as summer crawls near looking to show off some six packs.

If you want to suppress your appetite in a healthy and safe way, stick to high-fiber foods and high water consumption. These two help to keep your stomach filled most of the time and so suppresses your appetite. The feeling of hunger actually emanates form the hunger pangs in an empty stomach and get sent to the brain where it is interpreted as hunger. So to suppress this, it is as simple as keeping the stomach filled most of the time.

However, you need to find a way of doing so without consuming excessive amount of calories. Two of the best high fiber anti suppressants available in the market include Proactol and Acai berries & its products.

These are the best appetite suppressants! We are meant to eat lots of high-fiber fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and we also function best when we consume a large amount of water to aid digestion and circulation.

Acai berries for example, are fruits from Brazil and apart from the high anti-oxidant contents are very rich in fiber. So it tends to expand in the stomach when eaten causing fast satisfaction when eating.

Another herbal appetite suppressant is Lipobind. It is a certified medical device product. It works with the same principle of acai berries. It controls food cravings by causing what you have eaten to expand in your stomach making you feel full and satisfied.

You may also want to try out Hoodia. Hoodia is said to work well. They come usually in combination with L-carnitine. For further information on the products I have mentioned here please Google the product word. There are tones of information out there for your use.

Another effective herbal supplement that is in popular use today is 5-HTP. It increases serotonin secretion in the brain; this is responsible for elevating your mood and also decreases your appetite for food.

When using these appetite suppressants, you should be careful that you do not suppress your appetite too much that you become malnourished due to inadequate food intake.

Above all these, you can still loss weight naturally by staying on a strict diet and exercising regularly without having to spend so much on fat binders or appetite suppressants and if you must use any form of medication, always consult your doctor.

What is the definition of diet?

A diet comprises those foods that one lives on from day to day. Generally, humans are either omnivores or vegetarians. Omnivores are people whose diets consist of plant and animal food sources; whereas, vegetarians live on vegetables and fruits only.

The New Webster’s Dictionary of English Language defines diet as; the food and drink normally taken by an individual or a group or a prescribed course of what is to be eaten and what is not. This definition takes into account the fact that what you drink e.g. Milk, water, beer, whisky etc is part of your diet.

There is a saying that, you are what you eat, meaning that your diet can go a long way to predict what you will become in future considering that some diets confers longevity and some kill you fast.

Imagine a diet of ice creams and chocolates, or beer, whisky and beef etc.

Problems of Dieting

Diets come with some problems especially bad diets. When a person becomes addicted to a particular unhealthy diet, there is predisposition to several diseases simply because of the diet. The subject of healthy dieting is now a very popular one across the globe and more and more people are realizing the need to develop a well thought out diet deemed fit for themselves. High fat diet may cause stroke, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity and low self esteem.

Low Protein diet results in malnourishment and depressed immune system, anemia (this is common in vegetarians), and in children kwashikor, a form of protein energy malnutrition.

Dietary Supplement

It is becoming more difficult for one to actually consume all the nutrients needed for proper functioning of the body from food alone and as such it is common to see people who eat less because of their diet but try to supplement with pills.

Some of the pills are to induce anorexia and help you reduce the number of times you eat as well as the amount of food per day. In selecting these supplements, a thorough research is necessary as they are too many dietary pills and fat binders out there that fail to achieve what they promise.

Dieting is an important aspect of healthy living and everyone needs to be on one form of diet or the other. Yours may have been prompted by an illness, or maybe you want to loss weight, you are trying to maintain weight loss or you do not just want to grow fat. Before any decision is taken on what kind of diet you should be on, your doctors advice must be sort-only he is in the position to advice you appropriately.

Dieting will only make sense when we decide on it and stick to it as well. It is very important that people have control over the things they eat. Diet is the biggest single determinant of whether or not we will have good health. It affects health more than any other thing one can thing of.

Why am I not losing weight?

Have you found yourself asking this question after 6 months or 1 year of weight loss program? Maybe you have been dieting for a year now and you are probably also exercising, yet you don’t seem to be making any progress and you are worried. So you are now asking, why?

Some people actually loss the weight, maybe in their first 6 months but later gain it back. If you're troubled by this it is most likely that you have been digressing from you plan. You're not alone in this if you must know there are about 70% of the populations who suffer this problem.

First check out with your doctor to make sure you are not suffering type 2 diabetes mellitus. But it could also be that you are suffering the same problem every body out there who is trying to loss weight is suffering. They fail to seek expert advice. Or they have but are not adhering strictly to what was prescribed. The thing is that, we know fat binders work, but not every fat binder out there works as expected or promised. You can not afford to exercises just every now and then and expect that because you are on a diet, you should loss weight. It doesn’t just work that way. There has to be a well thought of diet plan as well as exercise plan.

Something I would suggest is maybe trying a particular kind of meal works for you, it makes sense to keep going with that food combined with fruits and vegetables. You can not keep trying different regimen forever; you need to stick to things that work. Use only tested diet plans.

If you have been using say, 1% milk that contains a very low amount of fat, then start using skim milk. You might want to incorporate lean protein like fish or chicken. You can also get good proteins from things like beans (some have more/better protein than others) or nuts.

Another secret is to stay away from snack bars. Don’t buy and don’t have it at home. Even if it belongs to someone else, the kid for example because, sometimes you will need a cooperative family to succeed in losing weight. The allure of these snacks is difficult to avoid sometimes. However, if you consider that you health’s worth more than a couple of snacks, it should serve as enough motivation for you to want to stay alive.

I am out lining some of these steps because I believe your problem is in either your wrong diet plan or lack of consistency-maybe ignorance too. So you should include some weight lifting exercises into your routine. This weight does not have to be heavy- Cardiovascular exercise is great and plays an important role in reaching your goal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, however, once you stop the exercise you stop burning calories as well. With this you not just burn calories during exercises but continue even after the exercise.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Why fitness is important

Why is Health Related Fitness important? Knowing the importance of anything we do will help to keep us focused. Practically every news or story online or offline you see mentions fitness, but not all of them explain why health related fitness is important. Our body is an invaluable asset that stays with us day and night throughout and for as long as we live. It is very important that we treat it well and keep it physically fit.

The general attitude of people towards fitness has changed and over the past few years you and I are now much more concerned and aware of the need to live positively. We now recognize the importance of physical fitness than ever before. We are encouraged to adopt a 'positive attitude' to our health by many talk shows online forums and fitness websites through better care of our bodies and minds.

The Importance of Fitness

Fitness may just be the saving grace when you find yourself in a life threatening situation. Note that I expect you to be a martial artist, but you will need to really be fit to run for your dear life and not gas out after just 100 meters.

Self Esteem- A person who is fit tend to have confidence in public places and amongst peers. Not just because they look god to everyone around but because of the inner comfort and feel-good disposition.

The problem of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancers are all conditions that can be avoided if you take out time to make sure that your body is fit. Exercises prevent a lot of problems.

Your body can better handle dangerous chemicals like free radicals if we exercise more often. Your heart muscles grow thicker and pump more blood per minute, nutrient absorption is at optimal levels, bones grow bigger and healing process occurs faster.

Positive health is all that it takes to maintain a minimum level of health and fitness to keep your body looking and feeling good and at optimum functional state, as well as maintaining a level of physical fitness.

Health and fitness is determined by what we eat, how we live our lives. In order words, it is determined by our life style. The kind of daily activities we love to get involved in, the type of food we love to eat, the number of times we eat and the amount of food we eat and physical exercise.

Keeping fit is about how we as individuals choose to live our lives and the levels of fitness we aspire to. We all need a certain amount of the right type of exercise to keep us healthy, regardless of our lifestyle, age or physical ability.

Maintaining a good level of physical fitness will give you a feeling of better health through increased energy and vitality, it is a happy feeling that results in even greater happiness.

Fitness keeps you in the right frame of mind. There is increase metal sharpness and concentration all resulting from increase blood circulation in the brain achieved by proper dieting and physical exercises. Fitness is something we should all desire.

Why is nutrition important when exercising?

Adequate nutrition is necessary if the benefits of exercising are to be achieved and should go hand in hand. During an exercise, the rate of metabolism (catabolism in this case) increases and that burns up a lot of calories. This means that there is depletion of our energy levels and thus must be replaced by proper nutrition.

While exercising, there is increase in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. They all need to be replaced and in cases where the essence is to build the muscles, will require that, adequate amino acid sources are ingested to allow the new rate of muscle building triggered off by the exercise.

The body demands increase tremendously and will take adequate amount of energy from carbohydrates to power the level of metabolism going on. Proteinous foods will supply the amino acids needed for muscle building. All these including micronutrients like B vitamins and chromium, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium will be needed at extra quantities. The level of metabolism releases even more free radicals and as such, increase mop up action will be needed by anti-oxidants.

You will need to drink more water than you usually do. During exercising, you loss fluid extremely from sweat and insensible loses due to increase respiration, and so you are easily dehydrated. This can lead to heat stroke, hypovolemic shock, renal stone formation etc. So you will need a lot of water to cool off the exothermic reaction that is taking place in your body.

There is virtually an increase in every single chemical reaction in the body. Just as everything else is working overtime, so are the heart muscles. You will need to supply the heart with adequate vitamins like B and C, oxygen and other nutrients to ensure that the electrical activities in the heart continue to meet up the new demands. More sodium and potassium ions influx and efflux occurs and nutritional intake should be such that can meet up with these activities. Depletion of these ions could cause heart block.

Before or after exercises, adequate carbohydrate which is the main energy source for physical activities should be taken. If you want to do so before an exercise, you need to allow time for adequate digestion to occur and commence when the food is no longer much in the stomach to avoid Angina as blood flow is more to the abdominal organs thereby depriving the heart. Ideally, we should eat after a good rest following exercise paying attention to the needs of the body.

For athletes, wrestlers, boxers and other sports people, that strong grip and balance in the legs can not be developed if exercises are not properly complemented by good nutrition. For a strong grip, the muscles of the hands need to grow bigger and stronger, the leg muscles must grow bigger too for balance, and the bones are not going to be strong enough without adequate calcium supply from a diet rich in fruits, fish and milk.

What is the best diet plan?

Believe it or not, but there is no definitive ‘best diet plan’ out there. Why? Because everyone of us is different. Body type, build, metabolism… we each require something different to help us lose weight, but that does not mean we cannot try to incorporate well known methods that we know promote effective weight loss.

It is just a question of finding the right ones.

The web is one good place to look – though you do need to be prepared for the variety you will find. By typing in just the simple term of ‘weight loss’ you will come across an assortment of articles that will either tell you to take vitamin and dietary supplements or focus on your actual diet.

Neither of these diet supplement reviews are wrong. In truth they can each bring something to the table that can help you to formulate an effective weight loss plan specifically designed to your needs, and your needs alone.

The best approach we can recommend is breaking down each area of weight loss down into the discernable segments of diet, exercise and weight loss diet supplements.

Not sure how? One good example of this can be found in the Telegraph’s article entitled ‘Top 5 ways to lose weight for 2008’.

In this one article the writers of this lucrative newspaper – which is renowned for publishing only accurate sources of information – have covered each of these 3 points and more.

To surmise the article they discussed these top 5 points:

• eating more regularly - 6 small meals a day
• using natural fat binders such as leading brand Proactol
• surrounding yourself with a strong support network to keep yourself motivated
• ensuring you eat breakfast every day - this may only be a small change to your diet, but having a breakfast every morning can give your metabolism the jump start it needs to keep it burning your calories (fast) all day long
• Realistic exercise plan – although exercise is an important part of helping you to lose weight, setting yourself too many unachievable goals can one cause your injury and two affect your motivation levels.

Now whilst these 5 tips presented by the Telegraph are just a small sample of what you can use to build up a strong weight loss plan, they each summarise an important area that you need to bear in mind.

An area that could play a vital part in helping you to lose weight and gain the body you want.

Offer yourself real, credible weight loss results

For most of us taking that first initial step to losing weight can feel like a big leap but there are weight loss dietary supplements out there that can offer you the support and stability to making this first step easy and accessible.

One such supplement is Proactol.

100% organic and side effect free, Proactol is a clinically proven fact binder that can help consumers to:

• Bind up to 28% of their dietary fat intake
• Suppress their appetite whilst decreasing food cravings
• Lower their blood cholesterol levels
• Increase their joint flexibility and mobility
• Cut their calorie content by 450 calories a day

And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Proactol can offer consumers the best in weight loss pills results.

So if you are looking to boost your weight loss chances and build an effective weight loss plan, Proactol can offer you the support to make this happen.

Visit e-proactol.tk and offer your body a natural solution to weight loss – Click here

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Do slimming pills work?

The answer to this age old question is not a simple one. Why? Because it is all a matter of determining the real slimming pills from the fake.

So what can do you do? How can you find this answer?

One sure way is to look at their backing. Now we don’t mean just their customer testimonials. No, we mean everything: their clinical trials, their medical backing and their media coverage.

The media for example would not readily support a slimming pill without believing in the credibility of its weight loss results first. If they did, not only would this open them up to endless letters of complaint if the slimming pill did not work, but also their own position as a reliable source would come under fire.

So you see, unless a newspaper thoroughly believes in the slimming pill themselves, they would never openly advertise a link. Not if there was a small chance it could back-fire on them.

The evidence

Proof of this approach can be seen in the Telegraph’s recent feature on Proactol. Within their article based on slimmer’s ‘top 5 tips for losing weight in 2008’, they voted Proactol as their second choice.

Now considering that the Telegraph is acclaimed for containing the latest in news and scientific information, the fact they have mentioned Proactol numerous times within their article (all in a positive light) is just a further testament to how strongly they believe Proactol is one of the best slimming pills around.

But Proactol’s presence within the media has not just been limited to the Telegraph. Proactol has also been featured in the Daily Mail, the New York Times and Florida Style Magazine. Each of which are considered to also be reliable sources for information.

Saying all this, the media is not the only way to determine whether a slimming pill is real or not – though it does set up a good precedent for making a decision.

There are other equally vital points you need to take into consideration when assessing a slimming pill - their clinical trials and their medical backing.

Something that Proactol can also easily prove.

Medically backed by the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Proactol has undergone 5 successful clinical trials and is clinically proven to help consumers:

• Reduce their fat intake by 28%
• Suppress their appetite
• Decrease their food cravings
• Lower their blood cholesterol
• Cut their calorie intake by 150 calories per main meal.

Add all these facts together and it is easy to see that Proactol is a slimming pill that works.

So whilst it may feel as though most slimming pills don’t work, there are ones out there - such as Proactol – which can offer you real credible weight loss results. You just need to know where to look.

Visit e-proactol.tk and offer your body a natural solution to weight loss – Click here

Which weight loss supplements would you put your trust in?

All weight loss pills work under the same slogan of ‘we can help you to lose weight’, but here is the thing - what actually separates the good from the bad? The weak from the strong? The reputable from the bogus? What is the decision maker?

One key definer are their side effects.

No slimmer wants to experience them. No matter how strong their desire is to lose those excess lbs. Yet time and time again you read reports and blogs from slimmer’s who have experienced just that.

And the reason? For many it is misguidance. Surfers who have been misled by all the diet pill hype and have invested without thoroughly researching these pills first.

Now one good thing that has come out of this scenario is the coverage. Yes these bogus weight loss pills may once have been the ‘latest dietary craze’ but all these blogs and articles have gone on to set the record straight. To increase consumers awareness on which dietary supplements do work.

But we are straying from the point. What we are trying to prove here is how impacting these side effects can be against a weight loss supplements success.

Take the following supplements:

Adipex: confusions, hallucinations, aggression, nausea, diarrhoea, palpitations, tremors, convulsions
Alli: gas, incontinence, oily spotting, muscle cramps, gall bladder problems
Ephedra: severe skin reactions, insomnia, nausea, diarrhoea, seizures, hyperthermia, strokes
Meridia: nausea, constipation, menstrual cramps, headaches, seizures, abnormal bruising/bleeding, jaundice, chest pains
Reductil: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, palpitations, hypertension, impotence, seizures, tachycardia, kidney disorders.

See what we mean? How willing would you be to invest in their offers and competitions, when their weight loss diet pill can cause all these.

Luckily there are a range of weight loss supplements that can offer you successful weight loss with none of the risks of the above diet pills: Proactol™, UniqueHoodia, LIPObind and many others.

And the strength of their position in the weight loss market as a successful weight loss supplement can be seen in the variety of their campaigns and competitions.

Take natural fat binder Proactol™.

They have recently teamed up with YouAndYourWedding to offer brides the chance of winning a free spa day at Champney. A luxurious spa franchise that is scattered across the UK, and is reputed for offering a range of pampering treatments.

But this is not all they are offering in this competition. Proactol™ is also offering the lucky winner a year’s free supply of Proactol™.

Now to a surfer who is aware of Proactol™’s reputation for being a 100% organic, side effect free fat binder, this competition is a dream come true.

In one competition brides can accomplish their dreams of getting in shape for their wedding, whilst also winning a day that is dedicated to pampering them.

Now if you tried to offer this same competition with any of the above weight loss pills who cause side effects, the number of consumers who would be interested in winning a year’s free supply of it would be limited.

Why would they want a year’s worth of a diet pill that can do all that?

So offer your body the security of a weight loss supplement that is committed to your health and weight loss goals, and put all the other bogus ones behind you.

Interested in finding out more about Proactol™ or its Champney competition? Visit e-proactol.tk for more details.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weight loss surgeries vs. diet pills – which are safer?

When it comes to successful weight loss you want to follow a route that is stress free and painless, which is why being able to find a weight loss supplement that can offer you long term weight loss results is so important.

Especially when the other common alternative is surgery.

Look on the web and you will commonly find 4 types of weight loss surgery. Each of them risky and painful.

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) – here the stomach is stapled into 2 parts, with the upper part being made smaller to reduce space for food.

Once the food arrives it is passed into the lower pouch through a small opening. To prevent the hole from expanding, a band is put in place to stop it stretching.

RISKS: the band is prone to wearing; the staple line can breakdown and in some cases stomach juices have leaked into the abdomen causing infection and even death.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band) – intended only for people who are 100lbs overweight, this device works by placing an inflatable band around the upper part of the stomach.

The band itself can be altered in size by changing the amount of salt there is in the saline solution in the band, but overall this band is intended to be permanent.

RISKS: can lead to nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, band slippage and pouch enlargement.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB) – during this surgery, the surgeon makes the stomach smaller by stapling it and creating a smaller pouch. This pouch is then attached to the middle past of the small intestine.

The reason they do this is to one, limit how much you eat and two, to reduce the number of nutrients that are absorbed into the small intestine.

RISKS: offers the risk of ‘dumping syndrome’ where food moves too rapidly through the small intestine. Other side effects include – nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, diarrhoea, infection, leaking, pulmonary embolism, gall stones and nutritional deficiency.

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) – this is a highly risky surgery that is rarely used. Here surgeons remove a large part of the stomach, limiting food and stomach acid production. This small pouch is then connected to the final segment of the small intestine. A common channel is kept to allow bile and pancreatic digestive juices to mix with the food before it enters the intestine.

RISKS: nutritional deficiencies.

As you can see each of these surgeries comes with risks. Risks that are impossible to ignore when there are other natural alternatives available.

Now as we say this there are of course weight loss supplements on the market which can cause similarly unpleasant side effects to these surgeries. To name just a few: Alli, Reductil and Xenical - each of these can cause unpleasant, negative side effects.

Then there is the fact that they can only be used for a limited amount of time. Varying from 3 months to a year, for those seeking long term weight loss results, such dietary pills as these just cannot help.

Yet there is hope.

Natural fat binders such as Proactol™ can offer you an easier route to weight loss without any of the risks of bogus pills or surgery.

100% organic and side effect, Proactol™ is clinically proven to help consumers reduce their dietary fat intake by 28% whilst also suppressing their appetite. The perfect combination for taking control of your weight loss, without ever having to worry about your body. It is risk free.

And compared to most weight loss pills you’ll find online, Proactol™ comes highly recommended as natural weight loss supplement within the media.

To date it has been featured in the Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the New York Times and most recently in bridal magazine YouAndYourWedding where they teamed up with Proactol™ to offer users a free trip to a Champney spa.

So offer your body a natural solution to weight loss, free from all risks.

Visit e-proactol.tk for more details

Celebrity diets – are they dangerous or are they safe? Proactol™ offer their take on this latest growing trend

It is quite refreshing to find a weight loss company who is actually interested in offering consumers a real insight into how celebrities attain their red carpet bodies.

Beyond the publicised fabrications by the media of ‘miracle celebrity dieting methods’, Proactol™’s assessment of these said dietary fads provides a quite insightful take on how celebrities actually achieve it.

Following extensive research into the most recent dietary fads to hit the weight loss market, Proactol™ have created an enlightening eBook that discusses all the pros and cons of celebrity diets, whilst providing readers with a much safer route to natural weight loss.

Their most recent celebrity campaign is similarly effective in setting the record straight. Firstly disclosing all the harmful effects that following the cabbage diet, banana diet and 5 Factor diets can do to your body, Proactol™ have also proven that celebrities are doing much more than changing their eating habits in order to lose weight. They have got help.

Working out for 2-3 hours a day, 6 times a week under the supervision of a personal trainer and chef, it is no wonder that Madonna, Oprah Winfrey and Gwyneth Paltrow are so successful in their weight loss attempts – they have got help the average woman has not.

The most enlightening part of Proactol™’s campaign has to be their alternative routes to natural weight loss. From how often you eat, to your food choices… even down to how you exercise, Proactol™ has provided slimmers with a much healthier route than starving yourself with 1,000 calories a day intakes.

With a number of resources to choose from, including their online campaign and eBook, Proactol™ has done an incredible job in assessing these diets, and helping their consumers to lose weight safely and healthily.

It is definitely worth reading.

Celebrity diets – are they safe? Proactol™ offers an insiders look into the latest dietary trends

With the media clearly besotted with the latest celebrity diet endorsements, it makes a refreshing change to find a company who is solely interested in helping their consumers to achieve safe, natural weight loss.

Yet natural fat binder Proactol™ has done just that. Recognising the potential health dangers that can arise from following low calorie/ fluid diets - such as those promoted by the cabbage diet, the Master Cleanse and the juice diet – Proactol™ has assessed the pros and cons of following such diets, whilst revealing to consumers the real lengths celebrities go to in order to achieve their slim, toned bodies.

And we have to say they have been very thorough in their attempts to increase consumer awareness.

Launching an online campaign dedicated to helping their consumers escape the risks created by these fad diets; they are also offering their consumers a detailed Celebrity diet eBook.

Following extensive research into these diets, Proactol™’s unique eBook analyses every aspect of these diets: what they involve, how they work and how they impact on your body, before offering consumers a healthier, safer route.

Their online campaign in particular is tremendously helpful. Designed with you in mind, they have created an assortment of easy to follow tips can that easily be incorporated into your daily lifestyle - tips that anyone can do without having to make dramatic dietary changes!

All-in-all Proactol™ have done a great job in bringing to light the dangers of celebrity diets and their celebrity diet campaign is definitely worth a read.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Weight loss diet pill guarantees – what do they really offer?

You could argue that a guarantee is a guarantee. That it doesn’t matter as long as the weight loss supplement works.

But here is the thing.

Which diet pill would you feel more confident in? The one that can offer you a 180 day money back guarantee (Proactol™) or one that only lasts 2 weeks (Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills)?

If we’re honest, the one that offers a 180 day money back guarantee looks the most appealing. Why? Because it gives you chance to truly test the effectiveness of the product; to see if it does actually work for you in the long term and not for just a few weeks. Plus you can use it safe in the knowledge that if it doesn’t work you can get a full refund.

A 2 week guarantee on the other hand, screams unreliable.

Yes, you could say the reason it is only 2 weeks is because the manufacturers are so confident in their product. But think about it a moment. How much weight can you really lose in just 2 weeks?

For real long term weight loss that lasts dieticians recommend losing 1-2lbs a week. But if you – like we all do at first – stick to a strict diet and exercise regularly, you could easily lose this amount naturally without the help of a supplement.

The real proof over whether or not a weight loss supplement works becomes apparent during the long term; when it continues to help you to consistently lose weight, even when your confidence ebbs.

Take this scenario.

Proactol™ have recently teams up with UK bridal magazine YouAndYourWedding to offer brides the chance to lose weight and win a free getaway.

On top of their competition offer that gives winners an all inclusive pamper treatment at Champney Spa, Proactol™ are also offering winners a prize of a year’s free supply Proactol™.

Now whilst you could say in this scenario their 180 money back guarantee doesn’t count as it was given away freely, the guarantee does still work in promoting confidence. In proving to customers that it is a great prize to win.

Yes, all brides want to get away from the stresses of their wedding, but even the most toned of us, wants to lose a few lbs before we get married.

And Proactol™ can offer you just that.

A guarantee that their natural herbal supplement will work to help you lose those extra lbs, get in shape and help you to maintain it.

So a guarantee is more than a guarantee.

It is a symbol of confidence that give you the reassurance to lose weight before your wedding; to enter a competition with the hopes of winning a prize as well as help and the satisfaction of knowing you are making a sound investment.

For more information on Proactol™’s guarantee or their recent Champney Spa campaign, visit e-proactol.tk